What's the Difference Between a Normal Hair Part vs. Thinning?
It's common to think that hair thinning is most often indicated by a receding hairline, but the truth is that hair loss and thinning is a lot more complicated of an issue. While a receding hairline is a common sign of thinner hair, especially with male and female pattern hair loss, it's not the only alert that something might be wrong. Read on to learn more about the difference between a normal hair part and hair thinning, as well as the best products to encourage thicker, fuller looking hair.
Understanding Hair Loss
Hair loss is a complicated issue. It doesn't happen overnight, and it doesn't happen for any one reason. It also doesn't look the same for everyone. In order to learn more about the details and triggers of this complicated issue, VEGAMOUR spoke with Dr. Harikiran Chekuri, a hair surgeon specializing in hair restoration.
"Hair loss and thinning is a common occurrence, especially as we age," Dr. Chekuri explained. "It can be disheartening to experience, but it helps to be aware of the signs so that you know what to look out for."
According to Dr. Chekuri, not all signs of thinning and hair loss look the same, but some of them are more common than others. "The signs of hair loss can include increased shedding, patches of baldness (especially in the crown area), gradual receding of the hairline and even complete baldness. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's important to keep an eye out for further changes, as they may indicate more severe hair loss."
Signs of Hair Thinning
While you might think of hair loss and hair thinning as interchangeable terms, Dr. Chekuri explained there are some differences. "Thinning hair often goes hand in hand with hair loss; however, there are some subtle differences between the two conditions," he said. "Thinned-out strands tend to appear much finer than normal, and there may be fewer of them. It is also possible to see scalp through the hair, as well as a noticeable widening of the part line."
In some cases, thinning hair is more of an indicator of hair breakage. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor haircare habits and overexposure to heat and harsh chemicals.
"If you experience signs of hair thinning in addition to those of hair loss, it is likely that you are dealing with both conditions," Dr Chekuri explained. If you're unsure of which it might be, turn to your hair part line for more information.
A Healthy Part Line
If you're not noticing a receding hairline, but you're seeing more scalp on the top or crown of your head, you could have thinning due to hair breakage. Your part line is often a good indicator of hair health.
"When it comes to a healthy hair part line versus one that's thinning out, the main difference lies in its definition, or lack thereof," explained Dr. Chekuri. "Healthy hair tends to clump together around the part line, creating an even and defined shape. In cases of thinning strands, this definition is much less apparent. Instead, the area appears patchy and sparse with smaller sections lacking any discernable pattern."
As we age, some level of thinning is normal, and is especially likely if you have a family history with it. But hair shedding can often be brought on by periods of high stress, medical issues like androgenetic alopecia, or even extreme dietary or supplement changes that lead to vitamin deficiencies.
"It's normal for some degree of hair thinning and loss to occur," Dr. Chekuri said. "If it is excessive or causing you distress, it's best to consult with a doctor. With the right care and treatment, it is possible to manage these conditions."
In some cases, thin hair is brought on by a temporary condition called telogen effluvium, or TE. This condition often occurs when the body has experienced a great shock or stress. This shock to the system can keep the hair in the resting phase (or telogen phase) of the hair growth cycle, which results in more shedding and no new hair growth. Usually hair will return to its normal growth cycle after an episode of TE, but if the hair loss persists, you might want to seek professional medical advice.
"Understanding the signs of both hair loss and hair thinning will put you in a better position to take action as soon as any changes are noticed," Dr. Chekuri said. "With this information, you can move one step closer towards achieving the healthy head of hair that you deserve."
Natural Products for Thicker Looking Hair
Determining the cause of hair loss or thin hair is the first step to determining how to deal with it. With that said, regardless of the cause, a holistic, all-natural approach is often a great place to begin your quest for healthier hair growth. Swapping out your hair products for salon-quality ones that are all-natural, cruelty-free, vegan and formulated to combat thinning hair is a great first step. VEGAMOUR's GRO Full Routine Kit has everything you need to help your hair begin to flourish from the roots all the way to the ends.
The set includes a mix of VEGAMOUR's best-selling products (GRO Hair Serum and Biotin Gummies) as well as a few others newer to the line that feature powerful phyto-actives and a proprietary Karmatin™ (the first-of-its-kind vegan keratin) that all work together to restore and strengthen your hair's health.
The GRO Scalp Detoxifying Serum cleans scalp buildup, as well as any impurities and dirt that might get in the way of your overall scalp health. Its formula contains wildcrafted botanicals and proprietary b-SILK™ protein to soothe and restore the scalp. It also helps you avoid unhealthy bacteria by providing a semi-permeable barrier that also locks in moisture and helps to protect the scalp from environmental pollutants.
From there you can help combat hair loss with GRO Revitalizing Shampoo and Conditioner on your wash days. This color-safe, clean duo utilizes microencapsulated vegan b-SILK™ proteins that bond to each hair follicle and remain attached to strands even after a rinse. These nourishing formulas support your hair's natural oils with wild harvested marula oil, organic murumuru butter and ximenia oil, while the conditioner helps to condition, hydrate and fight damaging free radicals without imparting pore-blocking residue on your scalp. This combination of products can help reduce breakage and combat hair loss. It's a win-win regardless of why you're finding more hair strands in your brush or shower drain.
VEGAMOUR's best-selling product is GRO Hair Serum for good reason. It's formulated for thinning, lackluster hair. Apply the serum to your scalp daily (with the option to focus on problem areas) to improve overall hair wellness, soothing the scalp and increasing the appearance of ha ir density and thickness. Formulated with clean, vegan ingredients, and ideal to use as a daily hair wellness ritual. Delivers real, visible results in as soon as 90 days.*
For the best bang for your buck, opt for the GRO Hair Serum 3-Pack, which is a discounted 90-day and come or subscribe to GRO Hair Serum to save up to 23% and get monthly shipments you can cancel anytime.
Losing hair is never fun, and there is a variety of reasons why you might be seeing more of it than you'd like. Reasons for hair fall or thinning hair are diverse and can range from stress and lack of sleep, to poor hair care habits, all the way to major health issues or major traumas.
If you think you might be experiencing hair loss, but aren't noticing any receding hair line, one way to know for sure is to check your hair part. If your hair is thinning you'll notice a less defined hair part. It might appear splotchy or uneven, and this is a sign to talk with your healthcare provider about the issue and see if you can determine the cause.
No matter what the cause of your hair loss or hair fall, you can always up level your haircare routine and combat thinning hair with all natural quality products that can help encourage thicker, fuller, healthier looking hair.
Photo credit: Karolina Grabowska/Pexels