Dr. Clara Yu - Beauty CultDr. Clara Yu - Beauty Cult

Dr. Clara Yu Answers Your 5 Most Asked Hair Loss Questions

At first glance, our hair is one of our most noticeable features. Understandably, if you’re experiencing any sort of thinning hair or hair loss, it can greatly affect your self-esteem. 

I’m Dr. Clara Yu, a Board Certified Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine committed to helping ensure that my clients’ inner beauty is reflected by their outer beauty. With this holistic philosophy in mind, I created Beauty Cult, a space for patients to receive top-quality aesthetic services in a community-oriented, social and supportive space. 

Hair loss is a common concern, and I’ve heard many questions throughout my years of providing aesthetic treatments. Here’s my advice related to five of the most frequently asked questions regarding hair loss issues and what to do if you’re experiencing thinning hair

Question #1: How Much Hair Should I Lose Each Day?

We all shed hair each day. Shedding, which is different from hair loss, is completely normal and is part of the natural cycle of hair growth. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the average person sheds approximately 50-100 hairs a day.

Related: How Much Hair Loss Is Normal?

Question 2: Does Stress Cause Hair Loss?

Stress is a well-known culprit behind many physical woes in life, including those related to your hair and scalp. When the body’s nervous system is activated in “fight or flight” mode, it sets off a wave of responses, including an influx of adrenal activities, such as elevated cortisol levels, which can slow down the cell regeneration that’s necessary for hair growth. Additionally, when cortisol levels are at a high for an extended period of time, it can decrease your immune function and metabolism, which are also key elements in healthy hair growth cycles. 

To help minimize the effects of stress on your hair, consider using a GRO+ Advanced Stress Release Kit that targets the external and internal aggressors that can contribute to hair loss. The kit includes:

  • GRO+ Advanced Detox Scalp Serum
  • GRO+ Advanced Replenishing Shampoo & Conditioner
  • GRO+ Advanced Hair Care Gummies

Each of these items feature the power of soothing full-spectrum hemp in their formulas.

GRO+ Advanced Replenishing Shampoo and Conditioner

Question #3: Is Hair Loss Hormonal or Age-Related?

Yes, it can be. According to the National Library of Medicine, 50 million men and 30 million women experience hormonal hair loss. Hormones regulate many functions throughout your body and also play a role in hair loss. 

While there are five types of hair loss, the most common cause is hormonal. Hair loss is triggered by the fluctuations in hormone levels, including the hormone testosterone and its conversion into a molecule called DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, which is one of a few different androgen hormones produced by the human body. DHT causes the hair follicles to shrink, which can alter the hair growth cycle and potentially shorten the growth phase. 

In addition, hair loss typically becomes more prevalent as we grow older. This is because of the aforementioned shift in hormone levels, including major life events such as pregnancy, postpartum and menopause. One type of hair loss caused by hormones and genetics is androgenetic alopecia, which results in a gradual and even thinning of the hair. 

Read: What Causes Hair Loss? Every Trigger Explained

Question #4: Are Men More Likely to Experience Hair Loss?

Complete baldness is most often associated with men. However, hair loss and noticeable changes in the hairline are equally concerning for women — and more common than you might think. According to the American Hair Loss Association, women comprise 40% of the population experiencing hair loss. 

Both men and women produce androgen hormones, such as DHT, which are necessary for a range of functions within the human body. DHT is the hormone responsible for male sexual maturation and what makes men physically different from women. As these types of hormones play a more critical role in male development, men have more of them, which is likely to be the precursor to complete balding, also known as male pattern baldness. 

Related: The Best DHT Blockers to Grow Hair and Reduce Loss

Question 5: Can I Treat Hair Loss Without an Rx?

Doctor’s orders: Harness the power of plants, nature’s medicine. While some more severe hair loss cases may require being treated with a prescription, there’s something to be said for a natural approach.

Start with solutions that don’t involve harsh chemicals or other potentially harmful ingredients, and incorporate scalp care into both your AM and PM skincare routines. Try massaging the scalp and other acupressure points around the face and neck to encourage increased circulation and healthy blood flow using either a scalp massager or your fingertips. You may also want to consider applying GRO Hair Serum, which contains powerful phyto-actives that have been clinically proven to increase the appearance of hair density and reduce signs of shedding within as little as 90 days. 

GRO Hair Serum

Elevate your hair wellness — as well as your overall health — by practicing and prioritizing self-care each and every day. Also, integrate other healthy habits into your lifestyle, including eating a balanced diet and taking scalp-nourishing supplements, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, exercising and incorporating meditation and mindfulness. When practiced each day, these small shifts can yield big results!


Disclaimer: Information in this article is intended for general informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to constitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek professional medical advice from your physician.